A poem by George Stuart

The mines all shut down and business was stopped. All other activities were suddenly dropped. They came bundled up warm, on horses and carts, There was nothing but joy in the Alice hearts, When Kaminky called for the dance.
They came from far and close around, Where snow-shoe rabbits and coyotes abound. They came in hob-nails, felt boots and pumps, And slid over the snow, regardless of bumps, When Kaminky called for the dance.
The Alice elite were gathered in force, There were sturdy men and beauties of course; There were circles and twists, many a glance, The wives, with eyes on their men, left nothing to chance When Kaminky called for the dance.
There were old and young, fat and slim All dancing as one and dancing with vim; There were married and single and batchelors galore, For batchelor maids are not found on this shore, When Kaminky called for the dance.
Musgrave pulled a wonderful bow, And made the fiddle fairly howl with woe. He played a beautiful boot solo, To Old Arkansas and Whoa Dobbin Who, When Kaminky called for the dance.
There was old Indian Dick, with his gaudy red tie; When he let himself go, the feathers would fly. Gave us a war dance, or some sort of trick Which added to the pleasure of Polack and hick, When Kaminky called for the dance.
Mrs. Harper was there with a cold in her head, When she should have been home in her comfortable bed. Ed Reynolds too, with a smile on his face, His curly red hair helped light up the place When Kaminky called for the dance.
In the thick of the swim, Mrs. Steuart was there. While George R. was home tearing his hair, For as nurse girl, he, poor fellow, was placed; While she, of course, the party graced, When Kaminky called for the dance.
The whole Walder family was there in force, From the old man, down to the kid, of course. And their faces one and all portrayed The joy and happiness the dance had made, When Kaminky called for the dance.
Vick Martin, fresh from the smelter, Flying around helter, skelter Saw that none of the ladies were bereft But led them off with a grand right and left When Kaminky called for the dance.
Lord Hamilton graced the affair, With ease of movement and lack of hair; So the ladies could have a chance so vital, As to set their caps for a real English title, When Kaminky called for the dance.
Mine candles greased the old school floor And polishing hob-nails finished the chore. There was nothing behind the log school door, But joy supreme and nothing more. When Kaminky called for the dance.
There were cake and refreshments and liquor galore And the ice cream was frozen in snow at the door. While the school marm was passing grub to the crowd; Over the din the babies howled, long and loud When Kaminky called for the dance.
People may hoot at old gashioned quadrille But in Alice, they too’d have had to show skill With the allamand left and the whirl ’round the floor. They would stomp their boots and call out for more When Kaminky called for the dance.